Friday, February 19, 2010

Coughing Choking On Phlegm Baby I Have A Sick 8month Old Boy, Help! - First Time Mum?

I have a sick 8month old boy, help! - first time mum? - coughing choking on phlegm baby

My partner and I had our little boy was sitting the other day, now, to our great regret we learn that caring people with another child for the weekend I was suffering from bronchitis to get in touch, severe pulmonary infection / cold, constantly runny nose and chest go on, cough (with mucus to try), I had to choose my child in kindergarten yesterday morning because I could not stop coughing, it was all very hot (37.2 that are not temporary, but warm to him) and a constant runny nose, could not sleep well the night before, when he constantly choking on mucus and snot flowing back of the neck. What can I do to help, could bronchitis?


Elisa B said...

Going to the doctor that no small inflammation of the lungs, ear, neck, etc. to ensure, and if you will just help in the search for a viral infection of the following you heaps
Keep your eyes and your temperature and give paracetamol or Nurofen, if necessary.
Elevating cot mattress by the phone at one end
It is enough to use Otrivin Saline Junior or simply "wipe belt: the nose.
Steam shower or buy a vaporizer
To solve a physiotherapist in the back of the mucus
And of course, provisions are made to ensure that you and your spouse (with him over a lot of vitamin C)

Kammy B said...

I have chronic bronchitis, so I know a lot about him. Bronchitis is not contagious, is something that develops from a chest cold. Your baby has a cold, bronchitis .... I had the right to speak, that makes sense? The cough is bronchitis deeply through sounds. The mucus is not necessarily with bronchitis, which could be anything from a runny nose with a sinus infection. They also tend to have a fever when you bronchitis. If your baby begins to cough, take him to the Dominican Republic to the breast, so that if you catch bronchitis get checked, it can turn into pneumonia.

passion4... said...

You should check as soon as possible. You can diagnose what the baby, and maybe something more serious. Babies are very sensitive, take him immediately to the doctor tomorrow morning. You can buy baby Vicks rub a very small amount in the chest and back, the coughing and phlegm to help.

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